I have recently caught the bug for making Bears. Currently I am working on a miniature bear and its very very fiddly.
Having all the parts cut out. You can see the tiny head pattern, well that's still to be cut out and I'll post updates as to what that turns out to be.
Here is his body, stuffed but only pinned so I could get an idea of the body shape. He will be standing on a display plinth when I'm finished, as he has yet to be dressed in some flamboyant trousers, pronged hat. There is also bells & braiding to add to his costume before he is complete.
Here is a head.
Over the last few days I have been having a good time having a rummage around the house for usable fabrics and a good old mooch around charity shops for old fur coats & upholstery fabric shops.
I came across a coat given to me that I would never had worn so I opened up the seams & got a lovely pile of this
Its outer edge is suede, the inner is a lush long pile fur, used fur side out, this will make a gorjuss bear & i have plenty of this so I may be able to get a couple of big bears from this.
I can;t wait to get started!!. Also the offcuts will make great Paw Pads.
Also because I had to start this miniature bear I plumped for some upholstery fabric, as funds were tight for mohair, so I grabbed bargain with this gorjuss velvet which I call Silver Fox Velvet just because of the look of it
ts so nice & the colors are just fabulous, It was a bargain at £4 for 1/2 a mtr. With a strong backing, its made the perfect head for my mini bear. I have even enlisted my fella in to my bear making as he is in charge of making the plinths these will go on. Tomorrow we will go hunting for the wood he needs, & I need to pick up some braiding and more thread. Cant wait to get started on finally dressing & Setting my bear.
who knows where this venture will take me!