Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Button Holes

Well now on last leg, 8 Red buttonholes completed plus the Groom’s & the Page Boy’s white one. I still have 8 white & 2 red to complete, but the I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It has been a hard slog on these flowers, creating them petal by petal but hopefully they will look really good on the day.

11 Days & counting…………….

Friday, 20 April 2012

To do List


My to do list grows ever longer, apart from Peddler which I am still working on by the way, I am now making a new work box, A tudor goldwork rose for  box mounting, the famous five plates & a new grandbaby.


Me thinks my needle will be flying.!

Famous Five



My secret Passion is Enid Blyton Books, In particular The Famous Five, Mallory Towers & St Claire’s series. My all time favourite is The Famous Five and I’ve been thinking for a long time now about how could I incorporate this in to my stitching.

This evening an Idea came to me, I brought some calico today for another project which I will expand on at another time and it struck me this calico would make a good background for some free hand embroidery of the Plates within my hardback editions of my Famous Five books.

Drawn by Eileen Soper these plates are pen line drawings of events through out the books, I have decided that I can trace & free Hand embroidery these fantastic drawings. The only problem I now have is what to do with them once stitched lol




My Eldest Daughter is getting married in May & I thought I would make a ring cushion for her special day.

This subsequently led to me being asked to do the bridesmaids posy’s & the Bride’s Bouquet plus button holes for the main wedding party.

This is what I’ve managed so far, using 10 Mtrs of Ivory crepe backed satin & 2 mtrs of plain red satin.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

OMG Miniatures

OMG I have just discovered janet Granger's Blog, its full of gorjuss minature stitching on gauze, having done a bit gauze myself its not as daunting at it would first appear. With me becoming a Grandma at Christmas time, this gives me a perfect excuse to start stitching minatures to furnish a dolls house.

My fella can build the house & we can make this a bit of a joint project, with him building & me furnishing.

Embroidery - Tape measure cover.

Whilst X stitch is my main thing, I have also been playing with Embroidery again which orginally led me to X stitch. Embroidery incorporated with Ribbon Embroidery.

This led me to making a Tape measure cover, another piece of bling for my work box. I am really pleased at how this turned out, and fully intend to take up Embroidery on a more permanent basis. Whilst X stitch will always be important to me, it doesn't hurt to deviate occasionally and try something new.


Weddings & Rings

I have had to stop making bears for the time being, & working on Peddler as my daughter is getting married & I have been caught up in the preparations. Ever crafting I am making satin roses for bouquets & posy's. Its a bigger task than I thought it would be but so far I am getting there.

I made a ring cushion as a surprise, & it was warmly received. With some satin & a bits from my work box I produced this
This led to the request for me to do all the flowers