There are conditions attached to this award, so here is the text I copied from Nicola with my blogs added to the end:
Liebster is a German word meaning favourite, dearest or beloved. The Liebster Blog Award is awarded by bloggers to other new bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, to help spread the word about their blogs and to help them gain wider recognition.
The Liebster award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting.
1. Choose 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blog so they know about the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.
Here are the five people and blogs that I've chosen to share this award with.....
1. Casey over at Caseyminis – she has a blog for miniature doll houses & the miniature bits that live in them. As a newbie to Dolls houses this blog is so interesting for me & makes me WANT everything!!
2. Natalia over at scarletsailsminiatures, she offers freebie patterns for doll house needlework and some cracking tips & advice on all things tiny.
3. Steph over at stephs blog, as a fellow x stitcher & a friend on may forums & Fb its good to catch up with her.
4. Elena over at Busy Hands who makes some wonderful stitched trinkets which always gets my needles itching to stitch.
And finally
5. Jon over at Inquisitor, as bit of an arm chair politician, its good to read the thoughts of the man on the ground instead of these talking heads with more money than sense & no idea of what the university of life is.
Gosh that was hard!
Now 5 random facts about me.....
1. I am OBSESSED JFK/ Conspiracy theories (or fact).
2. I am a female angler who has in the past been on the competition circuit
3. I really, really hate celery & Liver.
4. I love chocolate & Pink Floyd.
5. My TV of choice: Good dramas, Film Musicals, & 80’s films.
So there you have it. I have an award :)